Sectors - Page 2
Rural India Faces 60% Shortage of Doctors
Highlights * Himachal Pradesh has the best infrastructure in rural healthcare * Madhya Pradesh has the highest number...
Health Insurance For Poor: Fact or Myth?
The Indian government has promised health insurance for all families below the poverty line, and has allotted over Rs...
An Ambitious Government Hospital Chain Project Falters
The ongoing fracas over Bollywood actor Aamir Khan’s criticism of India’s failings in medical infrastructure...
Aamir Khan's Dream Of 8% (Of GDP) Healthcare Spend
Healthcare budgets in India often attract criticism, if only for the lack of it. Only 20% of the total health...
Despite The Scams, India's Healthcare Infrastructure Is Expanding
Many people who had not heard of the Government of India’s National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) did so for the first...
Bengal Is Attacked For Infant Deaths, But Statistics Tell A Different Story
Some 300 infant or crib deaths were reported from different hospitals in West Bengal since January 2012. West Bengal...
India Takes AIIMS, But Misses Deadline
The New Delhi-headquartered, Government-run All India Institute for Medical Sciences (AIIMS) is considered by many as...
RSBY's Big IT Deal
The Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) is one of those unsung Government successes. This low-cost, IT-enabled...